RE:FRESH Cafe Church


Due to regulations during the current Civid-19 pandemic, RE:FRESH gatherings are suspended until further notice. Please continue to check here for more information.

RE:FRESH is our Cafe Church service, held on the 4th Sunday of every month,

in the Church Hall at 9.30am. 

It is an informal, relaxed time of interactive worship with contemporary songs, quizzes and teaching.

With unlimited coffee, tea and other beverages on offer, along with biscuits/cakes, this is church for the modern-day worshipper!



Well, RE because it’s Religious…Expression/Energy/Enthusiasm…yes, even Entertainment.

God loves a party!

Jesus’ first miracle was to change water into an abundance of wine at a wedding in Cana and, boy, did he get the party going after that!

In another story, the Prodigal Son-or Forgiving Father, has the Father/God rushing out to meet his previously-estranged son and welcome him home, back into the fold, by throwing a lavish party-which is, as Jesus explains, what happens when we return to God after previously turning our backs on him…all of heaven rejoices!


And it’s FRESH because it’s church but not as you know it.

It’s not stuffy; it’s not about sitting in pews and nervously watching the children in case they make a noise or even watching others in case you don’t sit or stand at the right time!


If you don’t ‘DO CHURCH’, come to RE:FRESH;

come to sit and bask in God’s hospitality and grace

and take the first step in filling that ‘What’s Life About?’ hole…with God.

For more information on Fresh Expressions and training available in the Anglican Diocese of Leeds, please visit

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