Baptism (or Christening) marks the beginning of a person’s Christian journey as a full member of the Christian Church. It may take place at any time of life, but what is important is that those stepping out on the journey understand the full implications of the commitment involved. Of course, if a child is brought to Baptism, the parents and godparents must undertake that understanding and commitment on their behalf, until they are old enough to make the promises themselves, as they come to Confirmation later in life.
At Christ Church, Lofthouse, we recognise that Baptism welcomes a new member to the Christian family. Just as a family would gather to welcome a new baby into the home, we firmly believe that members of the Church family ought to be gathered to welcome our newest member. Whether Baptisms take place during the main 09:30am (or 4pm on the fourth Sunday of the month) Sunday Communion Service or during Messy Church or at a 1pm Baptism Service on various dates throughout the year, there will always be some members of the new family to offer their support and guidance, during the service and throughout the journey ahead.
Some parents may wish to give thanks for the safe arrival of their child, but perhaps, are not ready to make the commitment, on their behalf, to bring them up as a Christian. We understand that this is an important and demanding responsibility and the Church begins this crucial time of exploration with a Service of Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child which... ‘is designed to meet the needs of:
- parents who see this as a preliminary to Baptism
- parents who do not wish their children to be baptized immediately;
- others, who do not ask for Baptism, but who recognize that something has happened for which they wish to give thanks to God.’
Copyright © The Archbishops’ Council of the Church of England, 2000-2006
Our Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child services take place on Sundays, on various dates throughout the year, either at 1pm, or during our 9.30am or 4pm Sunday Communion Services or at our 9.30am RE:FRESH services at the end of the month.
For more information on Baptism and the role of godparents or, a Service of Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child, please have a look at the Church of England website,
If you are considering Baptism, for yourself, or for your child, or perhaps feel that a Thanksgiving Service alone would be more appropriate at this stage, please come along to one of our services and have a chat with Sylvia Green, who will be pleased to book you into one of our Enquirers' Evenings.
We look forward to meeting you!